Qualifications Framework and Accreditation in TVET System
1617/ICPAFG [TBC], Afghanistan In-Country Program |
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| Program Focus |
There is a growing demand for recognition of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutional across borders due to a large number of emerging factors such as increasing economic globalization, significant migration flows, increasing international labor market opportunities for the highly skilled, and the growth in the international trade and services.
A Qualifications Framework is an important instrument (1) for comparability and transparency of education systems and awarded degrees; (2) for fostering the development of modules and study programs based on learning outcomes and credits; (3) for improving the recognition of qualifications and of all forms of prior learning; (4) for improving employability; and (5) for facilitating the mobility of learners and the transferability of learning through provisions for access, transfer and progression. As accreditation ensures that an institution’s academic program meets acceptable levels of quality, this shows that there is a need to explore and develop the educational and training system by creating new set of approaches and strategies on the acquisition of suitable qualification framework.
This program mainly aims to assist the Government of Afghanistan with their initiatives by providing knowledge on the organized structure for maintaining Accreditation as Quality Assurance Mechanism based on quality systems standard of TVET Institutions that promotes exchange and recognition of standards and criteria across Asia and the Pacific Region.
| Objectives |
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
- Appreciate the need and importance of accreditation to respond to the national, regional, and global labor market
- Understand accreditation as a tool for improving the quality of TVET Institutions
- Undertake actual accreditation process using the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) criteria
- Prepare an action plan for accreditation of TVET Institutions in Afghanistan
| Key Components |
The main contents of the program are:
- Regional Accreditation and Certification: A Response to Global Trends
- Achieving Sustainability in TVET through a Program of Accreditation and Certification
- Concepts and Philosophies of Accreditation
- Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) Tools for Quality Assured TVET Institutions
| Target group |
NSDP and General Directorate of Skills Development – MoLSAMD, Deputy Ministry for TVET/Min. of Education, CESP, Min. of Higher Education & higher staff members from private training institutes
| Collaborating Partner |
National Skills Development Program, MoLSAMD, Government of Afghanistan