TVET for Global Competitiveness
17-18/RPBGD | 25-29 July 2017, Bangladesh | Regional Program | |
| Program Focus |
The Regional Program on “TVET for Global Competitiveness aims to impart and inculcate the importance of TVET in gaining a competitive edge in the global economy. The program also targets to identify the emerging trends and possible opportunities, as well as the current and future resources that might be harnessed to gain an edge amongst the international TVET and labor market playing field. Included in the program is the International Conference on “Skills for the Future World of Work and TVET for Global Competitiveness”. Both events are organized in collaboration with the Institution of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB), Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB).
| Objectives |
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
- Elucidate the trends and challenges for TVET in CPSC Member Countries
- Integrate entrepreneurship education for addressing global competitiveness
- Discuss the green TVET practices and initiatives to enhance the sustainability of TVET
- Appreciate the applications of emerging information technology in TVET
- Prepare a System Development Plan for sustainability
| Key Components |
The main contents of the program are:
- Special Lecture
- Theme Paper Presentations
- Individual and Group Tasks
- Institutional Visits
| Target group |
TVET administrators, principals, senior faculty, and managers from CPSC member countries and honorary member institutions
| Collaborating Partner |
Institution of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB), Directorate of Technical Education
(DTE), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Bangladesh Technical
Education Board (BTEB)