ADB 6th International Skills Forum on Innovative Practices in Skills Development
1617/SPMNL 19-21 September 2016, Philippines Special Program |
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| Program Focus |
Started in 2011 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the annual forum has been an excellent platform for experts, specialists, and policy makers in enriching their knowledge and understanding by acquiring new ideas and sharing of best practices, which will eventually help them in improving the TVET systems in their countries and regions. Innovations on how to expand and improve approaches to skills development through school education, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and higher education, will be the main focus of this year’s event.
Preceding the International Skills Forum is the Regional Program on "Skills in TVET for Sustainability", which aims to ensure the relevance of TVET institutions, while meeting the current as well as anticipating the needs and demands of the global workforce.
| Objectives |
The objectives of the Skills Forum are to:
- Stimulate transformative practices in skills development
- Inspire skills experts and developing member countries’ counterparts
- Promote collaboration with major stakeholders to incorporate new approaches to design and implement innovative projects and programs in skills development
| Target group |
Concerned experts, policy makers, practitioners from private and public institutions, and development partners
| Collaborating Partner |
Asian Development Bank (ADB)